Review: Kai’s Power Tools 5

Product Information
Published by: MetaCreations
List Price: $199
Upgrades: $99
System Requirements
PowerPC-based Macintosh, Mac OS 7.6.1 or later,
Photoshop 3 or later or 100%-compatible host,
32 MB RAM and 50 MB hard disk space,
24-bit color video, color monitor, CD-ROM drive
Here comes yet another killer version of Kai’s Power Tools from MetaCreations. A program that not only took the creative industry by storm, but also secured its company a very bright future, KPT was originally designed to be a creative new filter for Photoshop; however, its unethical interface and wild creativity made it instantaneously popular. Nowadays, everyone is copying KPT’s ways and even imitating its interface.
So why all the fuss? Simply because these filters not only offer astounding effects but also give results you would expect from a Hollywood Studio—not from your very own desktop Mac. My only regret is that this new version should have been out earlier. Anyway, I am absolutely positive that was worth the wait.
The plug-in is now much faster than its previous releases (but inevitably does require more resources) and supports Photoshop. Here are some few features at a glance:
KPT ShapeShifter
Create stunning shapes and objects with refracting glass edges, 3D light sources on beveled metallic
surfaces, soft, curved and lit Web buttons, and text. Resulting elements carry masks with them, which
makes compositing a snap.
KPT FraxPlorer
The new, definitive fractal explorer features real-time-fly-through, 1000% larger previews, and
never-before-seen fractal styles.
KPT Orb-It
Explode a source image into thousands of spheres with variations in size, density, and realistic 3D
lighting. Produce fields of bubbles, raindrops, and giant lenses, text effects, and mind-boggling
Also included are KPT FiberOptix, KPT FraxFlame, KPT Frax4D, and many more...
Verdict: KPT is the ultimate collection of Photoshop plug-ins. If you read this far and can afford it then buy it now!
Ohh, right, I am also supposed to state downfalls? How about that took this much time to be released? :-)
Copyright © 1999 Jamal Ghandour, Reviewing in ATPM
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