Review: Snood 2.0

![[snood graphic]](images/snood.gif)
Product Information
Author: David M. Dobson
High Score List:
Shareware Fee: $10 U.S
System 7.0 or higher
4 MB of RAM
To quote from the user manual, “Snood is a puzzle game which emphasizes thought rather than reflexes.” It is an amazingly simple, yet at times infuriatingly difficult game. You don’t have to be a speed demon on the keyboard to play; speed is not what the game is about. Rather, Snood is a game that combines the eye-hand coordination of a shoot ‘em up with the planning of, say, Draughts. It is not quite chess level; Snood is a more accessible game.
The characters are “Snoods.” Please refer to the screenshot because a word description would not do them justice. You launch a randomly-selected Snood up to the playfield. If that Snood matches with two or more Snoods already on the playfield, they zap away. Snoods drop if the Snoods holding them get zapped away. Both these events earn you points. The more Snoods zapped or dropped the better.
![[snood3 graphic]](images/snood3.gif)
Each time you launch a Snood, the “Danger Meter” moves up a bit. When it reaches the top, the playfield drops down one level. Should the playfield touch the bottom of the screen (where you are), it’s goodnight. Dropping Snoods reduces the “Danger Meter.” Couldn’t be simpler could it?
Since this game has no time limits, you are able to plan moves at your leisure, stop to have dinner, or even tolerate the cat walking across the keyboard. There is no shooting as such and no bloodshed so it’s suitable for kids. It is, however, highly addictive.
Graphics, sounds and stability are all excellent!
This is a top-notch game. If other games leave you wishing for a slower, gentler age, try Snood before you get out the Atari. Mind you, judging from the comments left on the Snood World High Score List [URL above], there’s no shortage of competitive instinct associated with this game.
Reader Comments (43)
snood i s a wonderful game and can be played my anyone and is fun it takes away the boredom too!! try it you'll like it!!!!
Snnod Rules Forget life Play Snood
Snood is absolutely nothing more than a cheap Bust-A-Move (AKA Puzzle Bobble) ripoff, and yet people laud it as some sort of end-all, be-all miracle game.
Let me point out that every aspect of the game lacks polish compared to the original it knocks off. Even the graphics are poor and uninspired compared to the first game in the Bust-A-Move series. As if that weren't bad enough, the developer doesn't even lift a finger to improve the game's polish and visual appeal. The game is about as pleasant to look at as a pile of rotting intestines.
Don't get me wrong - bubble-shooting puzzle games are great fun and an excellent way to kill time. What irks me about Snood in particular is its utter lack of originality, the blatant lack of effort put into its design, and its total stagnation. On top of all that, WOM Games has the nerve to charge for such garbage.
As arrogant as it may sound, listen to the voice of reason and brush Snood aside. Get Frozen Bubble or Bubble Shooter instead.
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